About Us

Almond Housing Association is one of the largest independent Housing Associations in West Lothian.

From our start as a fledgling Housing Association running management services for the Livingston Development Corporation (LDC), achieving tenant ballot success, gaining more and more experience in building homes and communities, we have become one of the largest independent Housing Associations in West Lothian.

Most of our 2508 properties are located in the Craigshill, Eliburn, Howden and Ladywell areas of Livingston.

Our 30 year history has seen our organisation mature into a key player in the economic and community development fields in wider West Lothian, providing quality housing for rent and shared ownership, and injecting millions of pounds into the local economy through our housing management, development, and maintenance work.

Our focus

Our Mission - Homes, people, and communities to be proud of.

Our Vision - Striving to improve life experiences and opportunities.

Our Values - Work Together, Open to Change, Respect, Kindness, Social

Welcoming feedback

The feedback we get from our customers guides us to improve the services we deliver. We encourage all of our customers to get involved, responding to our regular satisfaction surveys, engaging with us on Facebook, becoming a member of the Association, or joining our Focus Group to carry out scrutiny activities to let us know what we could be doing differently.

How can I get involved?

Tenancy sustainment

We recognise the challenges our customers face on a daily basis. With that in mind we continue to focus on making tenancy sustainment a priority.

We are proud to have one of the lowest eviction rates for social landlords in Scotland, but we know that welfare reforms have placed enormous additional pressures on our customers. We continually try to come up with real and innovative solutions to support our customers to sustain their tenancies.

Value for Money

Value for money is key for us and our customers. We understand the need to keep rents affordable, however we have a responsibility to balance that with the need to ensure that our properties remain fit for purpose and are safe, secure and comfortable for our customers. So ensuring that we generate income to support improvements and repairs is key and we’ll continue to actively manage rent collection and arrears prevention to support this aim.

Our focus in future years will be to ensure that our actions remain inclusive of quality, value for money, and a positive experience for our customers. But these aims will be widened to provide as much value to our customers in as many different ways as we possibly can.

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