Classes of Information

Under the Model Publication Scheme, the information we provide must be listed under certain "classes" of information. These are the categories of information that are detailed below. As FOI applies to other bodies and sectors across Scotland – such as Scottish Government and Councils for example – this means that not all of the categories in the MPS apply to housing associations/co-operatives.

Class 1: About Almond Housing Association

Descriptions of who we are

Location and opening arrangements

Information relating to Freedom of Information

About our Governing Body

About our Staff

Governance Documents and Corporate Policies #05a23e

Relationship with Regulators

Group Details

Class 2: How we deliver our functions and services

How to use our services

Policies and Procedures

Class 3: How we take decision and what we have decided

Governing Body Meetings

Consultation and Participation

Class 4: What we spend and how we spend it

Information about our accounts

Spending relating to Staff and Governing Body

Class 5: How we manage our resources
Class 6: How we procure goods and services from external providers

Our Contractors and suppliers:

  • Information about our key service delivery contractors who carry out responsive repairs, landscape maintenance and planned/cyclical maintenance: Available in hard copy from our office
  • List of suppliers and contractors used by organisation: Available in hard copy from our office
  • Information about regulated procurement contractors awarded

Our Procurement

Class 7: How we are performing
Class 8: Our commercial publications

Information packaged and made available for sale on a commercial basis and sold at market value through a retail outlet.

This class does not apply to Almond Housing Association or Almond Enterprises Ltd.

Class 9: Our open data

Open data made available by us under the Scottish Government's Open Data Resource Pack and available under open license.

This class does not apply to Almond Housing Association or Almond Enterprises Ltd.