Freedom of Information

As of 11 November 2019 Almond HA is subject to Freedom of Information law.

From this day we comply with the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations (EIRs) when we receive a request for environmental information, and the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act for all other information. This means that we are obliged to respond to FOI requests within 20 working days, disclosing all relevant information.

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) requires that all housing associations/co-operatives in Scotland must produce and maintain a publication scheme. Almond Housing Association has adopted the Scottish Information Commissioner's model publication scheme which requires us to produce a Guide to Information. This must detail all of the key information that we publish and how you can access it. Our Guide to Information contains links to where you can find all of the information listed online. This guide covers both Almond Housing Association and our subsidiary, Almond Enterprises Ltd.

Freedom of Information: Classes of Information

How to submit a request

For a request to be valid under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act, it must be made in writing and:

  • include your real name and a postal or email address
  • include a clear description of the requested information being requested

You can make a request to either Almond Housing Association or Almond Enterprises Ltd by emailing

Please include ‘Freedom of Information’ or ‘FOI’ in the subject line.

Alternatively, you can submit a request by paying a visit to our offices or sending a letter to:

Almond Housing Association
44 Etive Walk
EH54 5AB
West Lothian

Please note that any request that relates to your own personal data is not a FOI request but a Subject Access Request which comes under GDPR law. Find out more about GDPR and Subject Access Requests here.

What happens next?

We will respond in writing within 20 days of receiving a valid submission to:

  • give you the information, or
  • let you know that clarification is required, or
  • let you know that we're unable to provide it and why

All valid FOI requests and responses will also be published online

To find out more about FOI visit the Scottish Information Commissioner’s website

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