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Reporting Serious Concerns to the Regulator

The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has recently published new guidance about raising serious concerns about your landlord.

Any individual complaints must be raised with Almond HA in the first instance, however, if you have a serious concern and the complaint affects a group or all the landlord's tenants, you can report the issue directly to the SHR.

A serious concern is when your landlord:

  • has acted in a way which puts tenants' interests at risk and this affects, or could affect, a group of all tenants; or
  • repeatedly fails to achieve outcomes in the Social Housing Charter or outcomes agreed with tenants; or
  • has not reported its performance annually to its tenants or has reported it inaccurately; or
  • does not meet the SHR's standards for how a social landlord should govern itself and manage its finances; or
  • has not met any targets set for it by the SHR.

Serious concerns of this nature are considered to be Significant Performance Failures. Find out more about complaints.

Please note that a complaint between an individual tenant and a landlord is not a significant performance failure.

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