Membership of Almond HA
For a fee of £1, you can become a member of Almond HA. This gives you the right to attend and vote at our Annual General Meetings, including Special General Meetings. It also gives you the right to nomionate another Member for Board election or stand for election to the Board yourself.
Why become a Shareholding member?
As a service user of almond HA, you can participate in our work through a number of ways as outlined on our Get Involved page. By become a shareholding member, you will have the right to attend and participate in our Annual General Meetings, to nominate another member to the Board of Management and also stand for election to the Board yourself.
How do I become a member?
All you have to do is complete the short application form to sign up. You are eligible to apply for membership if you are over the age of 16 and are an Almond HA tenant or service user. Membership is also open to any person or organisation that is supportive of the aims and objectives of Almond HA, even if they are not a service user. If you are not a tenant of Almond HA there will be an additional information form to complete as part of the application process. It is not possible to hold joint membership, only individually. Our Membership Policy provides more information about eligibility criteria.
There is a lifetime membership fee of £1 which must be paid before we can consider your application for membership. As our office no longer accepts cash payments, we will contact you to arrange payment of the £1 fee by bank transfer before the Board can consider your application.
What happens after I've applied for membership?
Your application for membership will be considered will be considered by the Board of Management for approval at their next available meeting. Non tenant applicants will be asked to complete an additional information form before their application can be considered by the Board. Your membership will commence once it has been approved and you will be issued with a Share Certificate and copy of the Association's Rules.
In the rare event that your membership is refused on one of the ground outlines in our Membership Policy and Rules, we will inform you within 14 days of the decision being made. Your £1 membership fee will be returned to you.
How long does membership last?
Your membership will continue during your lifetime unless:
- You tell us you wish to end your membership
- You become an employee of Almond HA
- You are expelled because of a complaint against you (see Membership policy)
- You change address and fail to notify us of the new address within 3 months
- You fail to attend or submit apologies for 5 consecutive AGMs