Almond Cares

The Almond Cares grant programme provides grants to support our tenants and to help local groups/organisations to grow and enrich the communities where we work.

Who can apply?

You can apply for a grant if you meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • You live in an Almond Housing Association home
  • You are a constituted group or charitable organisation that works in one of our communities

For Individual Grants applications can be made by tenants; and for Community Grants applications can be made by tenants and/or authorised individuals representing Community Groups.

What can a grant be used for

Almond Cares Photo

  • Items or activities that support tenants to stay in their homes, such as warmer bedding, thermal curtains, LED lightbulbs, carpet for a room that doesn’t have any floor covering, air fryer, pressure cooker or anything that helps keep your home warmer or reduces your fuel bills.
  • To benefit community ideas and activities that bring people together and improve the neighbourhood such as sustainable growing, training or support projects.

How to apply

There are two forms available from the drop down menus, including a form for individual grant funding and a form for group grant funding. If you have any questions, please email

Individual Application Form

Group Application Form

Last year, Almond Cares provided items such as floor coverings, curtains, air fryers, warm bedding and more. More information on how the funding was used last year can be found on our noticeboard.