Repairs and Maintenance
Throughout your tenancy we will carry out repairs and maintenance work to your home to make sure it is maintained in good condition.
Report a repair
Call us on 01506 439291 and make arrangements for the work to be carried out.
You can also report a repair by using our online service, and we will get in touch with you to make arrangements for the work to be carried out. Do not use the online service if it is an emergency.
All repairs are carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, some repairs are more urgent than others.
Find out more about response times for repairs.
If the repair is your responsibility or has arisen due to neglect, you will have to pay the cost of the repair.
Find out more about repairs we will charge you for.
Our Privacy Notice provides information on how we use and safeguard your personal data.
We are following current Government guidelines in relation to Coronavirus restrictions. If you have any symptoms, or are self-isolating, please advise our staff when you are reporting your repair. If you would prefer our staff and contractors to wear a mask in your home, please let us know prior to the visit, or advise the Operative before they enter your home.
For emergencies when our office is closed, call 01506 429291 and choose option 3 to be redirected to our out of hours emergency service provided by SPS.
Alternatively please call SPS directly on 0141 225 2842.
If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999.
If there is a burst water pipe outside your home, call Scottish Water on 0845 742 0420.
More on gas and electrical safety in your home
How long will it take?
Reported repairs are prioritised according to their urgency, which means the response time will vary based on the type of repair.
Below you can see the response times for the different types of repairs that we handle. Choose an area of the property to see response times for repairs relating to this room or area.
All response times are based on working days as measured from time of reporting.
Your repair appointment
We offer a partial appointment service for reactive repairs, however, even where a specific appointment has been made for the work to be carried out, we often find that the tenant is not at home.
Please note that you must be home at the time of your scheduled appointment. We cannot guarantee an advance call before the contractor is attending.
All repair appointment must be kept, and if you have any doubts you can always check with us. Those who abuse the appointment system run the risk of being charged for the missed call.
Rechargeable repairs
We are responsible for keeping your home in good condition, however, we equally expect you to take good care of your home and may recharge you for the cost of certain repairs.
We are not responsible of repairing damage caused wilfully, accidentally or negligently by you, anyone living with you or an invited visitor to your house. If we decide to carry out the work, you must pay us for the cost of the repair.
This does not apply for fair wear and tear, or vandalism that has been reported to us and the police.
How do you know if you have to pay?
When you report a repair we will try to let you know at the time if it is a rechargeable repair. We will also try to tell you how much it will cost.
When rechargeable repairs are identified at the reporting stage we require payment to be made before instructing the work to be carried out, for example when we are requested to carry out a lock change.
If you agree to pay at this stage, we will meet any additional costs should the work cost more to complete than our initial estimate.
Sometimes, however, it is only once the work is being done that we may identify that it is a rechargeable repair. When this happens your Housing Officer will let you know the cost of the repair and when you should pay for it.
Right to Repair
Please note that at present Right to Repair is suspended due to the restrictions put in place as a result of the coronavirus.
The Right to Repair scheme gives you the right to have certain repairs completed within a certain timescale.
Find out more about your rights under the Right to Repair Scheme
What happens next?
Once a repair has been reported, we ensure that the problem is solved.
Please be aware that...
- We may need to inspect your repair to decide exactly what work needs to be done
- If you exaggerate the urgency of the problem to get a quicker response, we may charge you the emergency call out fee
- You must pay the cost of any damage that you cause, meaning any repairs that are not a result of fair wear and tear, or repairs that are your responsibility under the Tenancy Agreement
- If you do not keep your repair appointment, you run the risk of being charged for the missed call
- Contractors can refuse to work in your home if they believe their health and safety is at risk or if they experience abusive or threatening behaviour
Report a repair by calling 01506 439291
Out of hours emergency repairs: 01506 439291 and select option 3 or contact the out of hours service directly on 0141 225 2842.
If you have any questions about our repair services, do not hesitate to contact us on 01506 439291